in the best of both worlds

Coaticook Jobs : Find employment in flourishing sectors

The Coaticook region has been economically developing for a number of years and offers a diversity of employment possibilities in the industrial, public, forestry, and agri-food industries.

Working in the region truly offers the best of both worlds: residents contribute to a dynamic economy while enjoying an exceptional quality of life. The expansion of many companies across the region, in a variety of sectors, results in numerous employment possibilities.

Looking for a job ?
Find it fast!

The Coaticook region is full of interesting jobs.
Several organizations offer job search assistance.
Check out the list of resources below and find a job that will satisfy you!

Useful resources to facilitate your job search:

  • Coaticook Carrefour jeunesse-emploi
    This Carrefour jeunesse-emploi offers employment assistance, orientation or business start-up services to young people .
  • Québec Emploi – Online Employment Service
    This site gives you access to a range of free services that allow you to search for jobs, apply for jobs, register for Job Alerts and more.
  • Place aux jeunes Coaticook
    This program promotes the migration, settlement and retention of young graduates aged 18 to 35 in the MRC.
  • Job Bank – Government of Canada
    The website allows you to find a job and explore the market through different applications.
  • L’Estrie vous engage
    Ce site Internet vise à attirer, en Estrie, les travailleurs dont les employeurs de la région ont besoin.
  • Agricultural Employment Center of the Estries’ UPA
    The UPA’s Agricultural Employment Centres have specific expertise in the recruitment, selection and placement of agricultural labour.
  • Socio-economic directory of the Coaticook SADC
    This socio-economic directory lists the majority of businesses in the Coaticook region.
  • Orientation travail
    Guidance and employment counseling services, job search club for adults seeking employment or career changes.
  • Femmessor – Estrie Office, Quebec Business Transfer Center
    Supports the creation, growth and acquisition of viable women-owned and operated businesses by providing access to resources essential to their success.
  • Regionalization of immigration
    Pro-Gestion Estrie travaille de concert avec trois organismes en employabilité de Montréal où des candidats qualifiés et issus de l’immigration sont intéressés à venir travailler et vivre dans notre territoire. Contactez le 819 822-6163 pour avoir plus d’informations.